This question has been sitting on my mind since my teen years. Not sure why I always had this acute sense of limited time on this earth, and I still do but something has recently changed in my ability to act on these thoughts. I do recall being a lot more "efficient" with my time until my recent years. Now it feels like I am "overthinking life" more often than acting on those thoughts. My kids beg me to write a memoir, and I hope I will. I did publish my first book a couple of years ago. It was a tiny project just to learn the process of self publishing (I can't afford traditional publishing). So, now I know the process but I feel being stuck with my overthinking, lack of focus or self-disciple, or I'm not sure what...
Thank you for this great article. It helps a lot to re-frame my state of mind, and hopefully get unstuck.
Good luck with your 90-days challenge:-)