Thanks for sharing. It provokes more feelings than thoughts... at least for me... because it resonates on so many different levels. It has been a couple of hours since I read it but the stirred up emotions are still up in the air, far from being settled...
I have never chased material success (beyond some basic needs), so this message is not a revelation for me, and yet, this story strikes a chord well beyond that... "The weight of guilt and sorrow", the feeling of "a missed opportunity to have helped someone in need", the personal reflection on another person's life tragedy that apparently tuned out to be pivotal, - all of it sounds like en echo of my personal experiences,,,
These complicated thoughts and feeling are notoriously hard to "put on paper", but you have managed to do that with a stunning combination of simplicity and depth of thoughts deeply tinted by the intensity of emotional charge. Your gift for language is truly remarkable.
Again, thanks for sharing.