Please, please don't feel any regrets about your decision to become a stay-at-home mom, especially for the first years of your son's life. I have 3 adult children, but I could never afford being a stay-at-home mom, even for the very first years of their lives. I was not pursuing any particular career; I was a PhD student (with a scholarship and a part-time TA income) when my elder children were born, and it allowed me more flexibility than a full-time job, but it didn't spare me the stress of strict deadlines, painful commutes, and all the rest. My husband had a full time job, and we did share the stress and hardship of managing full time jobs and full-time family together, but it took a heavy toll on our life, despite all our efforts. Now I regret my "sacrifice" bitterly. I missed so much of the baby time with my elder children. Although I managed to stay with my youngest for 6 months before starting a postdoc, I knew it was the bare minimum. I am sure my husband and I overlooked so many important things in our children's development because of the non-stop rush, stress, sleepless nights, etc. And now we are paying the price, so to speak. Our grownup children are awesome, but... I won't even start to explain here what is behind this "but"... but it is probably enough to say that the biggest regret of my life is not spending enough time with my children when the were young....
Of course it is my personal perspective, based on my personal life experience, and I know that each one of us has a different lens to look through at these things. I totally appreciate your point of view, but could not resist to share my take on it. I think you did absolutely the best; the path you took was the best option. And I hope that my way-too-long comment helps you to feel a lot better about yourself, and even about your career. Please do :-)