Not being in a "balanced state" seems to be the main reason for angry, impulsive, and other destructive responses to many life situations. The question is, how to achieve and maintain this coveted "balanced state", if not all the time, but at least most of the time? Some people would instantly suggest mediation and this sort of things, but I doubt that mediation would be possible if a person's life is a non-stop struggle, - for whatever reason. Sure enough, we can say that many of us choose to live in the state of struggle, being stressed out all the time, and here, I guess we can make the point of choosing to be stressed out, as you say: we can choose to focus our attention on uplifting instead of draining things, and re-frame the same situation, i.e., reframe our perceptions. I totally agree it is a great approach but it also boils down to some training, like various meditation techniques.... I'm not sure I'm going anywhere with this comment. I guess I'm trying to say that I generally totally agree with the concept of choosing what to pay attention to, but I also know it is easier said than done....