1 min readJul 18, 2024


My professional life happened to evolve in very bizarre ways. It included very different jobs with very different employers, and in very different domains, - scientific research & teaching in academia, rocket science in high-tech, project management & financial control in aerospace and defense, and even business program management in software industries. I loved some of these jobs, hated others, and was utterly indifferent to the rest. When I loved what I was doing, I worked so hard that it made everyone else look like sleepwalking slackers. And it felt great. I mean job satisfaction and all that, not making others look like sleepwalking slackers:-) So, I do know what you are talking about, James.

As for the jobs I hated, or was indifferent to, I was still doing my best to do whatever needed to be done, regardless, but it did not feel great at all. It was a daily grind and suffering, but I was fully aware that I was one of those who “have to pay for all the elements of society” that others take for granted. So, I did what I thought was the right thing to do. And I still think so.

Great piece, James. My apologies for waffling too much. And even more apologies for daring to suggest you read another fine piece of Philip Ogley’s fine musings on the official collapse of our society (which went viral), and my comment on it (one of 147):



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