Me too. I would say I am an extreme introvert. I avoid talking to new people (unless I have to), and I don't make any new friends. My social circle consists of 6 people outside of my immediate family of 6 (me indulging), and this is the only family I have. I don't think it will ever change. I think for people like us it is easier to get connected online; at least for me it is, but it doesn't count as a recipe for curing real-life loneliness.
Aside the curse of being an introvert, (I guess we can call it a personality flaw), I think there are many socioeconomic reasons for the epidemic of loneliness you are talking about, Brenda. I don't like seeing it but I don't have a recipe for cure. Of course some of us could try to follow those suggestions you offer here, but I am not one of those people who would do that...