I think the Loma Linda longevity is the result of several overlapping factors. I would agree that the Seven-Day Adventist faith is probably the main one, because it combines most of those factors that include physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects of holistic wellness. I think the location plays a role too, as well as the fact that this particular denomination is not very old (unlike Catholics or Protestants, for example), and because of that the founders of this relatively new teaching were able to integrate the newly developed knowledge of longevity and well being into their religious philosophy, and chose not to repeat the past mistakes made by the Church... It is highly likely there are other faith-based "blue zones" in the US but they are smaller, undocumented, and haven't made it into the famous book by Dan Buettner. By "faith-based" I mean not only religious faith but other belief systems; some of which also integrate multiple aspects of holistic wellness. Loma Linda is a big one, so it is hard not to notice it :-)