1 min readMar 11, 2024


I quit my job because of that. Within 2-3 months after the management announcement, a lot of employees joined that massive exodus, Admittedly, not everybody was retiring, but some were. For me, the commute was horrible: long (1 hour one-way), dangerous (jammed roads, impatient, irritable drivers prone to impulsive driving and road rage, plus snow, ice, reduced visibility during winter commutes), exhausting (because of the above). And the stupid thing was that I could perfectly do my work from home as I had been doing during the lock down. The only reason I took that job in the first place was the remote work policy. When they changed it to hybrid, it was the end of it for me and for many others. Just to clarify: it was in GTA = Great Toronto area. People who never experienced 1-hour commute in GTA during rush hours can't really understand what a nightmare it is. Savings or not, that RTO thing felt like a matter of life and death to me, on top the stupidity of going though that nightmare while I could work remotely just fine. So I quit, and many others did too...



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