I have never had a bike (= bicycle = two-wheeler) when I was a child, so I missed the opportunity to develop this viable skill at the right time. I tried to fix this mistake of my childhood later, in my 20's, 40's and even 50's. I've managed to teach myself to balance it on a flat quiet road but I panic when I see another rider or a child or a dog and stop before I lose control. So, it is fair to say I can't ride a bicycle like most people can, and I feel being somewhat crippled because of that. I do want to try a three-wheeler as a reasonable solution of my "disability", and I've never thought about it as a sign of old age. To me it is a sign of "I do what I can", no matter at what age. As for a swimsuit with a skirt, I think it suits most women of any age a lot more than a swimsuit without a skirt, and I have also never thought of it as a sign of old age. So, when I wear a swimsuit, it is always with a skirt, and if I am not swimming but just chilling on a beach, I usually add a pareo on top of it. Maybe it is a sign of me being an introvert, and feeling uncomfortable being exposed too much LOL...
As for the main point of your story, - embracing wrinkles and flabby arms as we age, I totally agree. Maybe the third thing you added to this list while talking to your friend last night was grey hair. A lot of women dye it, some men too, to hide this sign of old age. Sometimes it looks good, but often it looks ridiculous, especially when men do it. So, when it comes to all those signs of old age, I think a healthy balance between acceptance and just common sense would do the best :-)