1 min readJun 1, 2024


Anyone who has some knowledge of anatomy and biochemistry (which I do with a PhD in biochemistry) knows about the benefits of ketogenic diets. It includes good metabolic health, vastly reduced risk of any type of cancer (which is a metabolic disease contrary to the dogma of the mainstream medical establishment), good cardiovascular health, optimal weight, etc. And there is nothing complicated about ketogenic diets; one can keep it as simple as limit carbs intake to 100 g/day with 14-18 hours of IF overnight, and it might be enough to induce intermittent ketosis. This is all most people need to burn excessive fat or prevent accumulating it. It is very simple and straightforward. And it is not short-term at all. I've been eating like that for years (avoiding to use the word "diet"). and it works exactly as it is supposed to. Maybe I should write a short article about it. Maybe I just did it :-)

Thanks for the inspiration, Maria!



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